Fourth Quarter YWP (The last day to submit for the fourth quarter is Friday, May 3rd, also by 8pm.)

Post the prompt assignment you chose, the title of your piece here, and also a link to it (a link to it on the YWP website). Do not post your actual piece here.


  1. Prompt: Senses
    Title: I step Outside

    1. I really liked this poem. I can clearly imagine this scene in my head, you described everything very well. I like how you clearly emphasized the beginning of spring with the mud and there still being snow on the ground. I also like how you wrote about the birds chirping in excitement, because I also get excited when spring comes and the snow melts. I can pick out each sense you used when you wrote this and you responded to the prompt very well. Overall very good piece.

  2. Prompt: Senses.
    The Title: Too Much to Sense

  3. Prompt: Senses
    The Title: Taking a Stroll With my Senses

  4. Prompt: Afterlife
    Title: What Happens When You Die?

    1. I really love this. I love that you circled back to the beginning of your poem at the end and I love the idea of comparing people to plants. I think that you did a very good job making it very clear who each type of person is and the plant they are associated with. I think it was very smart to make the middle four lines all start with humans, the 2nd and the 2nd to last lines both be three words, and the first and last lines to match. I feel like this is very something new and I love that. This created a picture in my head too.

    2. I really enjoyed reading your poem. This brings a new idea that I have never even considered before, yet it is so cool to think about. In your poem, I especially enjoyed how you compared different lives that people lead to different plants. And the reason for the different plants is because of who died. It was clear that you put thought into each kind of plant and how it relates to people. How people who weren’t liked are the plants you barely see and people who lived great lives are the things who see everywhere, everyday.

  5. Prompt: Senses
    Title: My Senses Guide Me

    1. Wow, I’m very impressed by this poem you wrote. Its very easy to read and it flows very well when read in my head. I can really picture you taking a walk and observing all the things around you, like the sound of the chickens, or the silence of the woods. It's a very mesmerizing piece to read and it shows all of your senses that you used to write it.
      Good job, I think you responded to the prompt very well.

  6. Prompt: Photo 10-vacation
    Title: Relief

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Prompt: Senses. Take a walk in your neighborhood, on a farm, in a city, down a school hallway. Stop for a moment and use as many senses as you can to describe what you see, hear, touch, smell -- and maybe even taste. Write a poem about your discoveries
    Title: Hot Summer Day

    1. I really enjoyed reading your poem. I thought that it flowed very well and was very true to this time of year in Vermont—although I do wish that there were more days that felt like you described them! I especially liked the line “A gentle breeze kisses my skin.” I love that you used the word “kisses” in an unexpected way, but I think it worked very well. Every line in your poem painted a beautiful picture in my head and one that made me realize what a beautiful place we live in. The way you made your poem circle back to the beginning at the end was very clever and made your poem that much better.

  9. Posted for Sophie.

    Prompt: photo 10-vacation
    Title: the chance of a lifetime

  10. Replying to Connors
    I liked reading your poem, It made me think about about how the seasons change and what you describe doing during each. Your poem flowed very well, and made a lot of sense. I really like the line “During the cold months there’s a sense of sadness.” I am able to relate to this because during the winter I feel that there is not as much to do outside and it makes me sad. I think you did a really good job. I like how your poem starts when there is no snow on the ground and ends when snow is on the ground.


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