Second Quarter Young Writers Project: Due by Thursday, December 20th, at 8:00 P.M.

Post the prompt assignment you chose, the title of your piece here, and also a link to it (a link to it on the YWP website). Do not post your actual piece here.


  1. Prompt: Imagine if 70° Fahrenheit weather — that pleasant, almost perfect temperature— were a person. How would the characteristics of that climate be represented in a person? What would an interaction with 70°F be like?

    Title: Sev


    1. I think your poem is a great piece and that it represents everyone's love for Warmer temperatures but include people who don't. I think this was a creative story. It tells a story of how a temperature would interact. I feel like the personality you defined would be perfect for 70 degrees, no one really hates it because it's kind of just perfect. Everybody loves it because it's just the perfect personality. He is everybody's friend and is content and happy. I feel like that really defines 70 degrees.

  2. Prompt: Snow
    Title: My Vermont

  3. Prompt: Snow
    Title: The Christmas Spirit

    1. This story really paints a picture of what the holidays are all about. Even sentence you read, you can envision what is happening, the boy falling in the snow, the father singing carols, and all of them drinking coco. I think my favorite line is, "Not long and these once dim trees are illuminated like candles lining the mantle on Christmas Eve." This line has a sort of rhythm to it, that makes you repeat it over and over in your head, picturing the trees lighting up.

  4. Prompt: Luck
    Title: Worst Luck

    1. I like this piece a lot. I think that it is very relatable, because everybody feels like they have bad luck sometimes. I also think this piece is sad, because this person is so exculded all the time. It seems as hough the world hates the, they have no friends, they don't go to school, they have no hair, and it seems like even their own family hates them. My favorite line in this is, " I have really bad luck. Trust me."

  5. Prompt: Snow
    Title: Snow man

    1. Kiran,
      You’re poem was very interesting and creative. I enjoyed your peculiar choice of rhyming words like carrot and parrot. I thought that added a special quirk to your piece. I also enjoyed the part where you said he was still your biggest fan. This made me laugh because I got an image in my head of a sloppy looking snowman that I created last winter and I felt it would be funny if that snowman was like “Hey Fritz, think about it, at least you tried your best!” I also enjoyed how it was a winter version of your last poem about Ramen and how it had directions on how to make it. I really enjoyed that poem because of the funny aspect. I only have one critique: the flow at the start of the poem was very good, and it was going at a steady pace. Once you started getting longer sentences your flow was thrown off a bit and made it harder to follow. I would have taken some words out and then the poem would have been easier to follow. Other than that, it was a funny and amazing poem and I am looking forward to reading more.

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  7. Prompt: Snow
    Title: Hidden Blades

  8. Prompt: Snow
    Title: A Walk In The Winter Woods

    1. I like how it paints the picture of how winter is but in a creative way. Writing about nature is usually very simple but I think your poem adds more details and more of a plot line. I like how it's also realistic and relatable. I like the line “Below freezing temperatures brings a red color to my nose and cheeks.” because it's relatable and it adds more details to the plot.


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